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Support the Museum

The mission of the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum is to honor and depict the military experience of Iowa citizens in all wars, homeland defense and Iowa service. The Museum’s purpose is to collect, preserve and exhibit materials that illustrate the story of Iowa’s military past from statehood to the present. The Iowa Gold Star Museum honors the heroic service of all Iowa veterans.

Our success would not be possible without the contribution of our employees, volunteers, and the support from our fellow Iowans.

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If you are interested in volunteering at the Museum, please call us at (515) 252-4531.

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Share Your Story

Thousands of Iowans have shared their stories and experiences with the museum, many of which are recorded onto audio and video for future generations, and we would love to hear your personal military experiences. If you would like to share your story, please email us at

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If you are interested in becoming a member of the Museum please call (515) 252-4531.


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Our Gift Shop

The Ruptured Duck


The Ruptured Duck is the Honorable Service Lapel Button awarded to United States military service members who were discharged under honorable conditions during World War II. The award is sometimes colloquially called the Ruptured Duck.

We have a variety of items which can be purchased at the gift shop ranging from clothing to historical literature. We can ship some items for cost plus shipping and handling, please call (515) 252-4531 for details.


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Our Used Book Store

The Museum also has a book store with a variety of items for sale including DVD movies. Most books are $2.00.


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